Nakona larry gilbert 1930's

Please share your knowledge on how to keep your vintage gloves in great shape and looking sharp.

Nakona larry gilbert 1930's

Postby mlangley5 » June 20th, 2012, 3:02 pm

I started to clean it with the Lexol orange bottle...this the first old glove i have worked on...Is this the color I am supposed to get?
I just dont want to ruin this old glove
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Re: Nakona larry gilbert 1930's

Postby mikesglove » June 20th, 2012, 11:50 pm

A lot of collectors swear by the Lexol cleaner. It is hard to tell from the picture what the color is supposed to be. I see the pinky finger being lighter in color and maybe that is the cleaned area. It looks good to me. The only suggestion I could make is not to scrub too hard at first but take it in stages. The cleaned leather seems smooth and that is how you want it. Sometimes a glove can look scoured and the nap of the leather is raised and that is taking it too far. Lexol also makes a conditioner that is used by collectors after cleaning. You are starting with a medium brown leather as far as I can tell and I like to work toward evenness of color over the whole glove. I go over the whole glove lightly at first to see what I have as far as ease of cleaning and any problem areas.
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Re: Nakona larry gilbert 1930's

Postby mlangley5 » June 21st, 2012, 12:50 am

ok thank you for the info... I will let it rest for th night and see what i have in the morning.

When you guys clean these older gloves do you try to remove the laces first? I broke the lace in the top part of the web and I am sick about it. I think i am in over my head
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Re: Nakona larry gilbert 1930's

Postby mikesglove » June 21st, 2012, 1:09 am

The lacing can be brittle and often breaks especially in the web. When cleaning a web, I support it underneath with a towel. I have broken a lot of laces in cleaning but I have found that trying to remove the laces can also break them. I collect old beater gloves off ebay and take them apart for the lacing. If you post a pic of the web lacing, I can look at the color and send you a length of old lacing in the mail to repair it. a broken lace is not a big deal and a replacement lace doesn't affect the value of your glove.
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Re: Nakona larry gilbert 1930's

Postby mlangley5 » June 21st, 2012, 5:58 pm

wow that is a very nice offer
Here is what the glove looks like right the bath i gave it in nokona nlt... I am not touching it again.




broken lace
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Re: Nakona larry gilbert 1930's

Postby mikesglove » June 22nd, 2012, 12:04 pm

I think the glove looks great. I like that the cloth patch looks cleaner. That can be tricky because they are fragile. If you want to PM me you can click on my user name and send me your address and I will send out a length of lace for the web.
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Re: Nakona larry gilbert 1930's

Postby mikesglove » June 22nd, 2012, 7:33 pm

Here is a way I lace a tunnel web. The leather on this glove was pretty stiff and I guarantee that using a straight needle could weaken and possibly damage the leather around the grommets. I used a paper clip for the needle and crimped it around the end of the lacing. I curved the wire to easily fit through the two grommet and carefully pulled it through with pliers. I straightened the wire and fed it through the leather tunnel and pulled the lacing through.

Sometimes a straight needle works great for other repairs. I recommend this type that has a hollow end to screw in the end of the lacing. It is pretty slim and won't tear out the stitching. A lot of professional glove restorers use this one.
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Re: Nakona larry gilbert 1930's

Postby mlangley5 » June 23rd, 2012, 1:01 am

wow that is great
thanks for the photos and details
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