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Got my first HOH

PostPosted: November 25th, 2008, 4:16 pm
by sepace
Picked up a PROTB24 date code ESEK that's in fair condition. I'm ready to start relacing and reconditioning, but have a few questions for all you glove gurus.

1. The lining is cracked, but is touching up well with a sharpie. Is there anyway to clean up the cracks further? The heavily worn areas have touched up so well, I was wondering if purposely 'wearing out' the rest of the lining is possible, or am I crazy for wanting to do so.

2. It looks like the lacing is thicker in the trapeze area. I've got plenty of Tanners American Rawhide T702 3/16" x 72", but it looks thinner than the lace in the trap.

3. Its heavy, very heavy. Have any tips to lighten it up a bit?

Thanks in advance and for all the other tips that I've found on this site over the last year.