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Stormville Show May 2010

PostPosted: May 29th, 2010, 1:10 pm
by vintagebrett
The Stormville Show in New York used to be one of our favorite shows. You could always count on finding some good pieces during the May event. The show has drastically declined in the number of dealers over the years and I debate each year whether or not to go. I decided to go this time because I wanted to see if anything had changed (since I missed them all last year) and because I wanted to meet up with Mike and Terry Carrothers, who I hadn't seen in a while.

Th show was even smaller than the last time I was there. Saw some gloves but nothing that struck my fancy except a USA Wilson A1000 glove that the modern guys will probably like. I added two vintage hats, including one NY Yankees, plus a nice baseball jacket and a oversized magazine from 1904 with a great picture on the cover. My best buy of the day was 6 Sonnett boxes from Terry and Mike. It was great to add them to the collection. Had a nice chat with Mike and hope to see him at the National this summer. The best part about shows is fast becoming catching up with fellow collectors, rather than finding much of anything.

Re: Stormville Show May 2010

PostPosted: May 29th, 2010, 4:17 pm
by MGHProductions
Not a bad day! 6 boxes is impressive. Is the Yankees hat pro stock?

Re: Stormville Show May 2010

PostPosted: May 29th, 2010, 4:26 pm
by vintagebrett
The boxes are a nice addition to the collection - we've been trying to meet up so I could purchase them for over a year now. It's great to finally have them in hand - made the trip worthwhile.

Matt, I'll send you some pics of the Yankees hat.