Brimfield May 2019

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Brimfield May 2019

Postby vintagebrett » May 19th, 2019, 10:21 am

What a memorable May show for a few reasons. When I drove onto my field on Tuesday morning just after 5am, we noticed an abundance of trucks and vans stuck in muddy areas. I was able to navigate to my spot without getting stuck. Just before 6am they closed down the field to vehicles and decided that they would still open the field to the buyers at 1pm with free admission. Not knowing what to expect I did some shopping and then did a hasty setup. When the gates opened at 1pm we were swamped with shoppers - I didn't sell many gloves but I did sell a bunch of stuff. Definitely my best selling show there by far. The low temperatures and muddy fields didn't keep the shoppers away.

As for the shopping, I was pleasantly surprised with how my pile took shape over the week. Once again, any decent glove is hard to find and I snapped up the ones that I saw. The B&M Tiger Line glove pictured below was a cool purchase. Also found a Victor Wright Ditson Yankee model - I see them in the catalog but couldn't find any collector examples. Overall it was a great week and I enjoyed spending time with all my like minded hobby friends.


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