Yellow laces

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Yellow laces

Postby lileague » January 21st, 2009, 2:02 pm

I promised my nephew I'd replace the black laces in his glove with yellow to match his team's uniform. Having never found a source in two months of searching, I tried dying my own. As mentioned in other parts of the forum, it's not difficult. I ordered a bundle of white from Tanners, lightly rubbed the finished side with isopropyl, then applied the dye. I finished with a coating of lanolin. I'll definitely try another color someday.
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Postby rmiller » January 21st, 2009, 6:14 pm

That looks great. 2 questions:

How long after you applied the dye, was the lace ready to work with?

Now that you have done it, if you had another similar project- would you buy yellow (or any other color) lace if it was available to purchase, or just do it yourself again?
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Postby lileague » January 21st, 2009, 7:07 pm

The white lace absolutely absorbed the dye very quickly. I cut off a piece to make sure that it went through all the way. I waited about 20 minutes to coat with lanolin, then started lacing. The tips of my fingers may be a little yellow.
For your second question, if I could find "real" yellow lace somewhere, I'd try it. This doesn't have the finished look of new lace, but it's pretty close. With how easy it was, I'm sure I'll do it again. But what color???
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Postby RedSoxFan81 » January 21st, 2009, 9:24 pm

Good job, I like the color contrast. Probably looks great with the uniforms they wear.
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Postby mudman » January 21st, 2009, 9:42 pm

Looks nice!!!
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Postby jsalinas » January 23rd, 2009, 10:39 pm

That seems to be a great shade of yellow.

Nice job indeed. :D
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