Great Advice

Please share your knowledge on how to keep your vintage gloves in great shape and looking sharp.

Great Advice

Postby drasher81 » January 5th, 2007, 2:10 pm

I would like to thank eveyone who has posted on products to clean and recondition gloves. I have been experementing on a glove I thought there was no hope for and with a combination of Fast Orange and some of the other products mentioned I saved a glove which was by all first glances doomed. I made very little progress as the glove was sooooo grimey and hardened I couldnt cut through the dirt with anything. I went for broke and used some Fast Orange with the pumice as a gamble figuring I couldnt really make it any worse. I was able to cut though the year of neglect and then switch back to straight fast orange. From there I went to fibings and then straight lanolin. After letting it sit for a while and hopefully regain some moisture, I went back to the Fast Orange and cleaned it somemore. I repeated this process several times with amazing results adding some vasoline at the end and buffing it to a nice finish. I have some before and after pictures attached. As you can see the glove was in POOR shape with heavy black thick leather that was stiff as a board. There was no flex left in the glove it didnt even look like leather anymore it was very coase and pretty disgusting, but because it was a rare model I kept it anyway. Now after a ton of cleaning and recleaning, it looks like a glove again. I am amazed at how great this stuff worked. I now have a keeper that I will have next to some of my other odd models that are not encountered that often. Again Thanks to everyone for GREAT advice!


Good job

Postby mjkm90 » January 6th, 2007, 7:51 am

Nice work on a dandy glove. Thanks for posting :D
Mike H.
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Postby mudman » January 6th, 2007, 9:11 pm

Just shows what a lot of work, with the combination of the right cleaner will get you. Nice glove!
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