1935 Tiger

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1935 Tiger

Postby Artemisbeard » February 17th, 2013, 12:19 pm

Maybe it is because I live in the Detroit area, but I have found some old Tigers in my day Several years ago in Grosse Point I found a nice Marv Owen glove and then I found a Bill Rogell and had him sign it while in his 90's. But yesterday takes the cake! I found a first sacker with a players name on it from the '35 team who didn't play first base. He wasn't all that great...life time batting avg. .200, and only lasted 4 years in the majors. But he got that ring, and was friends with Hank, and was in Hank's documentary. I'm talking about none other than FLEA CLIFTON! It may not be worth much, but I am excited about finding it.
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Re: 1935 Tiger

Postby briggs86 » February 18th, 2013, 12:48 pm

Detroit Represent! lol! I thought I was the only local glove collector...jk! Why don't you send me a PM so we can exchange info.

Jared Mark
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Re: 1935 Tiger

Postby 34tigers » March 26th, 2013, 7:50 pm

I'm a Detroit Tiger collector too! I'm a local guy here in Michigan.
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