What was your first baseball glove?

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What was your first baseball glove?

Postby jpop43 » December 29th, 2016, 8:38 pm

Hi All,

Its been a good long while since I last posted about a glove or glove find, as its been a while since I last looked for one. As many of you know, my collecting interests and pursuits have shifted a bit towards items from the 1850's - 1880's, but I do still have some leather hanging around to remind me of my hobby roots.

One glove that I recently came across is unlike all the others though...while I still have my very first vintage glove (1940s Wilson, Bob Usher model), the one I stumbled upon the other day is the very first glove that I used as a kid...a Rawlings PG26 endorsed by Reggie Jackson. My grandfather found it in 1985, abandoned on the bleachers in the park near his home. He gave it to me to use and its the first of its kind...first of MANY...that I have used since.

When I found it, I thought to myself how truly special and important it really was and how glad I am to have kept it all this time. It got me thinking about a poem that was attached to the tag another Rawlings glove I had along the way...see if this doesn't get you reminiscing:

What is a Baseball Glove?

A baseball glove is a beginning and an ending, a child’s first sure step towards adulthood, and an adult’s final, lingering hold on youth. It is a promise and a memory.

A baseball glove is the dusty badge of belonging; the tanned and oiled mortar of team and camaraderie. In its creases and scuffs lodge sunburned afternoons freckled with thrills and the excited hum of competition cheers that burst like skyrockets.

A baseball glove is Babe Ruth, Stan Musial, Mickey Mantle, Jackie Robinson, Johnny Bench, Ozzie Smith and a thousand-and-one names and moments strung like white and crimson banners in the vast stadium of memory.

A baseball glove is the leather of adventure…worthy successor to the cowboy’s holster, the trooper’s saddle, and the buckskin laces of the frontier scout. It is combat, heroics, and victory…the place to smack a fist or snuff a rally.

Above all, a baseball glove is the union of family recreation and togetherness; a union beyond language, creed, or color.

As we stand on the precipice of a New Year, I simply wanted to share that with you all and wish you a very happy, healthy New Year. Oh, and, of course, to hear about (or see pics) of your first baseball gloves!

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Re: What was your first baseball glove?

Postby vintagebrett » December 31st, 2016, 3:18 pm

Here is a link to this discussion we did waaaay back - still wish I had the glove but it was lost to the woods long ago.

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