Wilson 900 Bob Feller Personal Model...

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Wilson 900 Bob Feller Personal Model...

Postby johnmilner » August 26th, 2015, 9:47 pm

With sincere thanks to mikesglove, I finally have a Wilson 900 Bob Feller Personal model.
I've searched google for images, I've searched eBay for auctions, but aside from that lefty version a long while back posted here, and won on eBay, I've not come across one. But I do now, and it's strange to have it next to me as I watch the Jays and keep an eye on Verlander's no-hitter. I thought it would be one of those Sasquatch gloves; Seen in blurry photos, always on the move but never in my presence.

This thread would be useless without photos, and I hope Mike doesn't mind me posting the ones that he took when we were discussing it. I haven't had time to take any of my own yet, I'm too busy showing the glove to my wife, met with "yes, that IS really cool dear, you showed me 15 minutes ago".
Hopefully I can scratch out some time tomorrow to get some pics of my Feller glove lineup.



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Re: Wilson 900 Bob Feller Personal Model...

Postby mikesglove » August 28th, 2015, 2:31 pm

I could tell from your forum post about the ebay Feller glove that you were the right one for this Wilson model. A while back I was collecting 1940's models because they were kind of bad-ass, large & heavy duty especially with the triple tunnels. The Feller was among the ones I found. I liked the era because it was right before the solid webs took over and the triple tunnel models were advanced for their time.
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