Your Preference for "Vintage Glove of the Month"

Discuss interesting gloves listed on eBay or other auction houses.

What gloves would you like to see in "Glove of the Month"?

The more gloves the better, keep the activity flowing
Limited to special, unique and rare examples highlighted for posterity
Content should be left to the discretion of that month's author
I don't give a flying fig
No votes
My name is JD and I miss 80% of gloves that become available
Total votes : 20

Re: Your Preference for "Vintage Glove of the Month"

Postby GloveCrazy » April 6th, 2012, 1:43 pm

I hear those who would like fewer so let me sincerely apologize in advance. In May I will post any glove that I think would be fit in nicely to most advanced collections, ones that I consider good purchases, gloves that I think are unique, and gloves with a lot of action. Unfortunately for some I will not wait until May, nor stop after May as I like talking about gloves more regularly, and Glove of the Month seems like the best spot for me to do it about ebay gloves (and supported by the poll and the lurkers I talk to). I hope I don’t step on any toes as my intentions are of assistance and glove promotion.

Another suggestion is a best of 2012 thread, which I think would be interesting especially with a voting mechanism at the end. I don't think you need to wait until the end of the year to start adding special gloves and talking about them. Maybe that was the original intent of Glove of the Month but I think it has evolved for the better, and a onesy/twosy glove of the month is boring. Heck, I'd be interested in a best value of 2012 thread as well (maybe even more so).

Speaking of polls, I say this next part not directed at anyone or any particular post. Really. I'd love to meet all of you in person and drink a beer with you (and even debate things), you are welcome to visit my collection anytime you are in the area, and I value each of your role and contributions to this rather unique hobby. I must say, though, that I don't give a rat's tail about what some think I should or shouldn’t post. I have certain thoughts on how to grow the hobby and a vested interest in doing so. I personally love all of the collecting subsets or lists that this hobby affords us, like team endorsers, off brands, all of a particular brand, HOFs, Moonlight Grahams, etc, and any new find for that person is special, regardless what others think. I don’t think the poll was directed at me or others who post regularly in that section, but it could be interpreted that way and could have the unintended consequence of limiting participation in that section or other sections in the forum.

Not mine, though, and I invite others to continue on and lurkers to come out and let your voices be heard. Lurkers let your voices be heard! It’s ok that you forgot your password … it can easily be reset. Reset that password!
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Re: Your Preference for "Vintage Glove of the Month"

Postby ScottWNJ » April 6th, 2012, 3:01 pm

Why not just rename the thread "Vintage Gloves of the Month" ? It is a departure from the original concept, but pluralizing the title brings it in line with what the thread has become. The three of us who voted for number two will just have to roll with it. With all due respect to Jerry, since only 15 forum members expressed an opinion on this, maybe it isn't as big an issue as we thought.

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Re: Your Preference for "Vintage Glove of the Month"

Postby mikesglove » April 6th, 2012, 4:19 pm

I pretty much agree with Rob and Murph. I like the Glove of the Month to be melting pot of images and ideas. Everyone has different budgets and collecting tastes. There are old and new collectors coming on board with varying experience. I really liked the way it was heading. I wouldn't want to see it limited in any way.
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Re: Your Preference for "Vintage Glove of the Month"

Postby okdoak » April 6th, 2012, 4:44 pm

I think good arguments have been made on both sides of our little hot button issue. That's why I think we should leave it up to the discretion of that month's poster. If you're interested in a large variety of gloves, post them. If your collecting window has narrowed to just a few, hopefully a couple show up that month. If not, other collectors usually chime in anyway. As far as giving extra recognition to the very rare or coveted gloves, I think we already do that. I think the bigger issue is still how to get more of our members to sign up for a month so it isn't the same handfull of posters over and over again.
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Re: Your Preference for "Vintage Glove of the Month"

Postby Kenny Wel » April 8th, 2012, 10:04 am

Just my two cents, but I enjoy seeing what other glove enthusiasts find interesting, sense I only have time to actively search a limit band of glove models. So, the more the merrier is my vote. It is kind of like when I go to antique fairs with my family: we can all walk down the same isle, but when we get to the end and take a poll of what each person saw, it seems that something different caught each person's eye and the others missed it completely!

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