Johnny Groth Playmaker (dead or alive?)

Please share your knowledge on how to keep your vintage gloves in great shape and looking sharp.

Johnny Groth Playmaker (dead or alive?)

Postby Thudhugger » May 23rd, 2007, 1:53 am

I have a JG Playmaker that looks to have been abandoned in an attic for the duration of its life. When I got it it had mud wasp nests in the finger holes and the back of the web was so deteriorated that the stitching pulled out when I was trying (my first attempt) at relacing it. The leather is very dry and cracked on the outside. I would like to have it restored professionally but would it be worth it? There is one in similar but better condition currently on ebay

Mine has the same dark dry cracked leather. Any ideas?

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Postby vintagebrett » May 23rd, 2007, 8:46 am

If you read through the section on glove conditioning you might pick up some tips on what to do with your glove. Also, if you could post pictures of the one you have, I'm sure there are quite a few people who could let you know if it is worth restoring or not. If you have trouble with pictures, let me know, I'll be happy to help out.
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Postby Thudhugger » May 24th, 2007, 1:25 am

Here's the photo's of the beast, don't look at my poor attempt at trying to relace it (I've improved since then) Do you think it's salvageable?[url][URL=]Image[/url]

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Save me

Postby glove-works » May 24th, 2007, 6:22 pm

May be a candidate for a rolled lace web.....the original web looks a little crispy. Are the lace holes torn wear the V-anchor lacing comes through the index finger/thumb? The thumbloop appears to be needing replacement.

Looks like this one could be saved, but may need Kenny J's special touch.
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Postby Thudhugger » May 24th, 2007, 9:52 pm

The body of the glove is relatively sound. the top layer of leather at the v-anchors is crackly but sound (no tears) I agree that the web has had it. Where the stitching has come loose, if you pull at the edge it disintegrates in your hand. The palm has rotted through in one spot and the thumb loops and snuggler are gone. It's has a real nice color to the glove perhaps I'll send it off to K.J. (I just boxed up a PRO-17F8 first baseman's mitt to send to him) Thanks for your assessment.
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