Relacing Diagrams

Please share your knowledge on how to keep your vintage gloves in great shape and looking sharp.

Relacing Diagrams

Postby Thudhugger » August 24th, 2007, 1:07 pm

Am I the only one who has a difficult time relacing gloves? Some of these suckers have some pretty intricate lacing patterns. Does anyone have access to lacing diagrams or do you all have the same trial and error method as me?
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Postby BretMan » August 24th, 2007, 2:19 pm

I'm not aware of any standard diagrams available that show lacing patterns. Would have been nice to have when I first started relacing gloves years ago!

The first gloves I relaced- discounting the hack job attempts I made 35 years ago in my little league days!- were done through trial and error. I bought some old, beater gloves and took them apart, paying attention to what went where, then put them back together again.

After awhile you begin to recognize some basic patterns that most all gloves have in common. In the odd event that a glove has something I'm not familiar with, I'll revert to the tried and true method of removing the old lace one hole at a time, following that with the new lace.

It didn't take long before I got to the point where I could relace even the trickier patterns, like a Trap-Eze web, practically in my sleep!

There are a lot of guys with a lot of experience on this board. If something in particular is tripping you up, someone here can most likely help you with it.

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