Thanks for tips and lacing needle threading

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Thanks for tips and lacing needle threading

Postby wickedwoman11 » August 31st, 2008, 2:28 pm

I just wanted to thank all of you guys (and gals? If I'm not the only girl?)on this forum. I spent much of yesterday working on relacing a backup glove in preparation for my attempts at relacing my gamer glove. I spent hours trying to keep the needle threaded and it took forever just to do the fingers, web, thumb and pinky lacing.

I haven't even attempted to do the bottom of the glove yet, and my honey was much chagrined that I may have made a couple of errors along the way -- you didn't think I was going to use MY glove as a gerbil did you? :wink:

Last night, my wrist was killing me (still is today hence no more work on the glove) and this morning, I bothered to do a search for "lacing needle" only to finally see how to screw the lace into the needle. I ran to try it, and lo and behold, it worked! All the time it would have saved me! I spent all day using one of the red handled needles, constantly rethreading it when it wouldn't work. If only I had bothered to learn how to use the silver lacing needle first, I would have been able to keep threading lace nonstop!

I have learned my lesson. When my wrist stops hurting I plan to retackle that beatup backup and do it properly. I'm now having second thoughts about doing my gamer (I thought chocolate would look great, now I'm scared to "deface" my "baby" with new laces -- better cracked then wrecked). But I can't thank you guys enough for the support, help and advice you have offered to this lacing newbie.

When I want to thank people, usually I bake for them (I'm a much better baker than relacer -- case in point my spouse is a police lieutenant and I made USC red/yellow cupcakes for the division yesterday to celebrate the first game of the season, and I am KNOWN for my chocolate chip cookies). Okay, like a lot of girls, I'm talking your ears off now. Anyway, what I'm trying to I'm giving a big basket of virtual chocolate chip cookies to you guys today.

Thanks and have a great Labor Day weekend. :D
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Postby rmiller » August 31st, 2008, 6:20 pm

I guess we all assumed you already had the needle thing down. Here is a picture of the smooth, bent, needle nose pliers I use. They are wonderful for un-twisting the lace to lay it flat, without scuffing the lace.
Craftsman-Sears item #00945665000, Mfr. model #45665. They’re about $10 bucks.

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Postby awarsoca » August 31st, 2008, 8:38 pm

FYI that threaded screw needle will lose the lace from time to time. Its much easier than the red handled lacer but I still use it from time to time as well. I need to get a 3" screw needle for the tight spots now.
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Postby robin_buckeye » September 1st, 2008, 11:30 am

Where can one find these lacing (screw) needles? I'm not familiar with this product.

What's the web address?
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Postby rmiller » September 1st, 2008, 12:02 pm

You can order from Tanners. They come in 6 inch and 3 inch. The lace threads into the bottom of the needle. They are essential!
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