Wilson ProStaff, A1880, flexback

Please share your knowledge on how to keep your vintage gloves in great shape and looking sharp.

Wilson ProStaff, A1880, flexback

Postby wapplemac » October 21st, 2009, 7:26 am

Hi, I have acquired a Wilson ProStaff, A1880,PS5, that is in good condition. It needs some laces, a cleaning, and some minor work so I am hoping for a easy fix up for a first try. The problem is that, the strap at back of the wrist is completely gone,so I have no idea what was there. The back has the Flexback logo on what looks like some fairly odd construction back there. This is a big glove, but, seems to fit my hand well, and has a solid feel. I thought that I could easily find A photo, or some info on this glove,but my searches, here and Google have come up empty. I am hoping someone might have a photo of what the strap, or whatever goes back there.

Thanks WM
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Postby Number9 » October 21st, 2009, 5:01 pm

This guy could probably help you out.

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Postby wapplemac » October 25th, 2009, 6:56 pm

Thanks for your reply, I was unable to find anything similar, I will just try a double D ring tightening strap, as that has always worked best for me.

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