Since Pepper Martin PM doesn't exist....

Pre-1970 gloves for that you are looking to sell, trade or looking for.

Since Pepper Martin PM doesn't exist....

Postby theglovester » September 21st, 2017, 4:36 pm

Hey guys, I am thinking of thinning the herd of gloves!! I have picked some up over the last year or two, and have a few projects I'm working on, and I want to get them sold and then buy a forever Keeper. Thanks to Ricky Bulldog for your kindness in not getting mad, I owe you some $$ for the D&M Wapiti elk glove!! I aint forgot!! And it is a keeper for me!!!!

As you all know the Rawlings PM pepper martin is tops on my list, I will not stop looking and hope you all can help me find one...I love the hunt for a glove!!!

I am thinking of adding a D&M 647 mitt to the collection, yep the one Joe Jackson was pictured wearing. I'm Hoping Jim Daniel will do a World Series sale like he did last year and Maybe I get an early Christmas present??? I have to add a couple gloves or fib on what the 647 cost as I have to buy my wife Purty Sharon a civil War re-enactment dress out of the glove money!!! why you ask??? my gloves are in the living room, not the man cave!!!

On a personal note, I about bought the farm!!! Tractor accident!!! It was my wife's fault, she was frying chicken in the kitchen with the window open and the aroma of fried chicken found me in the lower pasture....She was singing a Siren's song for a Southern boy!!! I left the mowing machine running and got off the tractor to move a tree limb...tractor started rolling and I tried to turn the steering wheel while on the ground. ran over my left foot and calf and left a tire mark on my hip. 2 feet from a running sickle bar mowing machine!!! I love fried chicken!! She is an Air conditioned Baptist but talked to me in tongues I haven't heard before when she found out what I had done!! Why wasn't I ground up into a pulp??? Guess I still got work here on earth to do. I told her I stopped the tractor because she was pretty and would be married in 6-8months, no problem, but tractors cost more than a new Corvette!!! How did a 160 pound farm boy stop a 2 ton tractor!! easy I'm made of spring steel an rawhide.

I'm pulling for JD's Dodgers to get to the series, heck my Reds have won the series since his Dodgers have!! but gotta pull for the Astros!! Thanks glovers, long time no talk!!
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Re: Since Pepper Martin PM doesn't exist....

Postby swalt1234 » September 22nd, 2017, 9:40 pm

Glovester, you crack me up!
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Posts: 52
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