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Goldsmith models wanted

PostPosted: April 26th, 2012, 4:03 pm
by Thxforthebp
Thought it might be time for some spring clean out, so if anyone has any of the following models I would be very interested. The list is a bit shorter than it was thanks to a few pickups and trades.

If you have or have an idea on someone who might have any of these willing to sell or trade please contact me at or though a PM here.

Model #
Adult models
JD James Deshong
LC L.C. Chiozza
JDM Johnny VanderMeer
KB Chick Hafey
BR Whitey Whitehead
XG Netro Tanned

Youth models
G30 Tex Carlton
G24 Robert Rolfe

Any other Goldsmith models are always welcome as well.