Worth Canuck Gloves

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Worth Canuck Gloves

Postby splinters » January 13th, 2009, 9:07 pm

Re: Worth Canuck Gloves

I was looking for these gloves for a long time and was able to purchase both the 12.75" H web and Trapeze. They are Canadian version of the Liberty series only made for a short period for a few Canadian retailers....white leather with red webs, red laces and canadian flag sewn on thumb. Very slick looking.

Anyone else ever see these before?

I will post pics when I get around to it and remembering how to post again.

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links to worth canuck

Postby splinters » January 13th, 2009, 9:09 pm

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Postby Glovenut 1 » January 15th, 2009, 4:42 am

Funny you should mention these somewhat obscure gloves. I have a LHT Canuck glove. Not big on white gloves but this caught my eye. And- being a Canadian, I thought it would be cool to have one for Canada Day (July 1st).

The store in Toronto- Ward & Patch was almost literally blowing them out the door for a ridiculous price of 50.00. A tremendous "bargoon" so I went for it. These are ofcourse made by Rawlings and they remind me very much of a colored HOH. The inner lining is all leather, the lacing is very good quality and everything about it reeked of a well-built albeit , gaudy glove.

The price was right, the glove is a bit of an oddity which is always fun; but would I get another - NO. Only because colored gloves aren't on my buying agenda. But- if you like the looks, you'll also like the way they snag balls. If the price is right, go for it.


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Worth Canuck 12.75

Postby fredderf » January 28th, 2009, 7:37 pm

I picked up a Worth Liberty. From What I can tell, its the US version of the same. I agree with GloveNut 1, the glove is a nice quality if you don't pay too much. The leather is nice and very comparable to a rawlings.

This is the one I bought:

This appears to be the US version of the Red and White Canadian version:
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