Lexol question...

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Lexol question...

Postby RedSoxFan81 » November 1st, 2008, 12:52 pm

I used some of the orange bottle lexol cleaner, and then the brown bottle conditioner about 2 weeks ago, and i'm really bummed because my pro preferred glove feels heavier. My question is there any way to reverse this effect? Or am I stuck with a heavier glove? Because if that's the case I'll just deal with any glove I have or get being rough around the edges and not looking as nice. It sucks because this was one of my favorite gloves. :cry:
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Postby glovin » November 1st, 2008, 3:59 pm

um...i'm pretty sure the glove will get lighter over time as the lexol evaporates...but the length of time depends on how much u put on your glove
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Postby GloveGypsy » November 1st, 2008, 7:01 pm

I agree, It should gradually lighten over time.

Also, did you put the whole six ounce container full of Lexol on the glove?

My guess is "no" and if that's the case, then you would have only increased the weight of you glove by a few ounces.

More than likely, what you express as a "heavier weight" is just a change in the texture of the leather.

I wish you the best of luck and in the future, keep liquid conditioners away from your gloves.
-Glove Gypsy
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Postby RedSoxFan81 » November 1st, 2008, 7:23 pm

I didn't even apply very much of the conditioner i bought the kind that comes out of a spray bottle, and was spraying it onto a rag, then rubbing it onto the glove. I don't think I could have used more than 2 ounces total doing it in the manner I did. Well hopefully it will dry out and evaporate over time like mentioned.
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Postby skwid » November 1st, 2008, 10:02 pm

Anything you put on a glove will add weight, but it will add no more weight than you put on. This is the case with every conditioner. It sounds like you took a reasonable approach to control the amount of conditioner that you applied to the glove.

I am breaking in an XPG-3 from Don Morton right now. My standard practice with a new glove is a dab of petroleum jelly in the finger crotches and around the lace holes on the palm, around the web and on the backs of the fingers. I rub in the petroleum jelly, let the glove sit for a few hours and then wipe off the glove with a towel.

I also do a light coat of Lexol-NF over the whole glove. I dampen (not saturate) half a sponge with Lexol-NF and then run that over the front and back of the glove. I do a second coat of Lexol in the palm a few days later. This darkens the glove slightly, and especially the palm, but the glove returns close to its original color within a few days. I've noticed no increase in weight in the Horween gloves I've used Lexol on, but those are all heavier than the Pro Preferreds, so I can see where an increase in weight in the Pro Preferreds would be more noticeable.

For what it's worth, you really had no choice but to use a conditioner on your glove after you used the Lexol cleaner. I've noticed that really dries out the leather, but it does get the leather clean, and the directions are quite clear that you need to condition after using it.
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Just a Suggestion

Postby opticsp » November 1st, 2008, 10:02 pm

Here is a suggestion that of course is very subjective as others on this forum have their preferred way of cleaning and conditioning their gloves. I found that the lexol cleaner is excellent and use it for all light cleaning. After drying, I follow up with a very light coat of lanolin. I use Lansinoh which is used by breastfeeding mothers. It is 100% lanolin that is marked by Lansinoh (I am not a stock holder :lol:). Anyway, after a couple of days to let the glove soak in the lanolin they come out fantastic and not one ounce heavy.
Thought I would share.
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