Question about HOH patterns...

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Question about HOH patterns...

Postby RedSoxFan81 » October 29th, 2008, 3:29 am

I was curious if someone could steer me in the right direction with this. I am not sure, but I may for Xmas order a custom HOH glove. I currently use a PRO 12-2K pro issued pro preferred. I was trying to figure out what'd be the best pattern to replicate someting similar to this through rawlings glove configurator program.I know it's not a pattern offered on there, but is anything close? Any ideas??? If it helps matters I wear my glove the same way Chase Utley does, with the doubled up pinky and ring finger in the pinky stall and index finger out. I close the glove pretty much pinky to thumb when I close it or at most the thumb will hit between the pinky and ring finger stalls.
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