Vintage Glove Displays

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Vintage Glove Displays

Postby BretMan » September 10th, 2010, 2:04 pm

Here are some shots I took last night while enjoying a little September baseball. Our hometown team, the Columbus Clippers (AAA-affiliate of the Cleveland Indians in the International League) are in the post-season playoffs, facing Scranton (the top New York Yankees farm club).

Maybe next time I'll have a real camera, instead of my cell phone!

Last year Columbus opened a gorgeous new downtown retro-styled stadium (I love this ballpark!). Placed around the main concourse are about a dozen permanent displays, featuring information on playing positions, history of the game and- the reason for this post- vintage equipment and gloves.

It's an interesting display. Some of the gloves and bats are reproductions, some are vintage. The fingerless glove is obviously a reproduction, as is the Akadema Lou Gehrig firstbase mitt and that super slean looking lefty split-finger. The "outfielder" display with the photo of Enos Slaughter actually features a vintage JC Higgins Slaughter-endorsed glove. A couple of others that I didn't get pictures of were a Higgins Bob Feller model and a Caprico Jackie Robinson.

The displays look like this:


Here are close-ups of some of the equipment displayed:










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Re: Vintage Glove Displays

Postby Bravosin99 » September 10th, 2010, 4:43 pm


Columbus is a super cool park. I did a trip last year with my fellow staff of a Class A team we went to a morning game in Indy and a night game in Columbus...long day! We got a tour of the Clippers stadium and I was amazed with the cool memorabilia spread through out the park. My favorite area was the second floor bar area in left field where there was a bunch of cool early gloves and bats in a huge display case. What a fun job that would be to travel around and deck out these cool new stadiums with vintage gear!
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Re: Vintage Glove Displays

Postby BretMan » September 10th, 2010, 11:30 pm

Now here is a major, "Oh, Duh!" moment...

I thought that I'd explored every nook and cranny of the new ballpark. Every time I've been there, I've spent time in the open-air bar on the third floor of the left field building. But I thought that the second floor was nothing more than an extra seating area for when the third floor overflowed. So I totally missed that even bigger, cooler vinatge equipment display!

Guess that I have something to check out- and take pictures of- the next time I'm there!
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Re: Vintage Glove Displays

Postby mikesglove » August 2nd, 2015, 3:05 pm

here's a link to Martin's Baseball Museum in Columbus. A lot of interesting gloves and a pretty extensive baseball collection overall.
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Re: Vintage Glove Displays

Postby BretMan » August 6th, 2015, 2:22 pm

I've met Tracy before, and even had bought some things from him on eBay before we met. A couple of years ago he and I set up displays at a local youth baseball event and he has some amazing pieces. He was also instrumental in putting together the ballpark displays above from my first post.
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