Bucky Harris

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Bucky Harris

Postby Rickybulldog » December 23rd, 2011, 12:32 pm

Every glove has some type of story, here's one of mine:

About 8 years ago I started hitting the Rose Bowl Flea Market pretty hard. The Rose Bowl Flea market is one of the largest flea markets here in California. I was in my early 20's and slowly getting into the real older stuff. Since the Rose Bowl is quite a distance from me, I normally have to get up around 4:30 in the morning and drive down the 210 to get to Pasadena.

I finally get at the Rose Bowl at around 6:30 am and I start to walk the aisles. People are still setting up and the sun is starting to peek through. I hit one aisle and notice an old, split finger baseball glove sitting on a rectangular display case. The only problem is that there are 2 large gentlemen (I know, the pot calling the kettle black) BSn' with the seller. Rather than bother them, I reach my hand in between the two men to get a better look at the glove. I roll up my sleeve and reach in. My big paw finds the glove, then suddenly someone grabs my arm (Yep, it's wild in the West) and says "Hey, I just bought that!" The guy turns and realizes I'm not some kid (exhales). I say "Cool glove, can I see it?" He hands it to me and I examine it. Turning it this way and that. I realize it's a tie back Bucky Harris glove in super condition. I ask "How much you pay for it?" He replies "Oh, I bought this along with some Zeenut baseball cards." I say "How much you want for it? (Knowing these offers get ME no where)" He replies "Oh, I'm going to keep it in a case at home." I say that's fine, congratulate him on his find and start to walk down another aisle. The rest of the day was a bust and all I could think about was the glove that I was a little too late to get. Dang it!

Fast forward 7 years later, I see ANOTHER Bucky Harris in great shape on Ebay. I get sniped at the last minute and who do I see outbid me, besides the usual suspects, but my local friend Robert Moreno. Robert is a local guy who found me through the old Glove Collector publication. He's a great guy who really is into the Brooklyn Dodgers and Detroit Tigers. So, I contact Robert and tell him I have interest in that glove and if he wants to sell it or trade it just let me know. He tells me it's kinda small to his liking, but he thinks he's going to keep it for a while. Dang it again!

Well about a month ago, I start to put up some gloves to sell and Robert contacts me about a glove I have and he says he has interest in it. I tell him we can swap gloves if he wants to trade the Bucky Harris glove. He agrees and I head over to his house to pick it up. I get the glove in hand and it starts to conjure up those old memories again. I don't know if this is the same glove from the flea market, even though they look very identical, but it does put closure in one of my "The one that got away" tales.
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