Pass or Play?

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Pass or Play?

Postby Rickybulldog » May 6th, 2010, 5:20 pm

Before I start I have to say that I had been thinking of doing this for a while. The idea for this little experiment stemmed from a couple of things: watching gloves get hot potato'd to different collectors until they found a permanent home, conversations with other trading machine collectors, and an article in Reader's Digest about a guy who traded up from a red paper clip to a house. The whole process was an interesting read, but my overall goal for doing this was not to get a huge gain (i.e. a glove oil to a Ruth G41). I wanted to get collectors to trade and hopefully post some photos of what they got on the forum which could lead to more trading.
The basic concept to my idea (similar to the white elephant gift exchange) was for you to receive a package from someone (containing a pre 50's baseball item: glove, bat, uniform, etc.) and had to decide whether you wanted to keep the item and exchange it with something else (similar in value) or to pass on that item and send it to someone else. This process was to go on to 6 other collectors. Finally, when the last collector was done deciding, he/she would send their item back to me.
So, I started this little project in early March and sent 2 packages to 2 collectors (West and East) who I knew were "gamers." The next part was the hard part...the waiting. Would people pass or play?

To my delight, packages were zig zagging the US and collectors were playing/trading. I won't say who participated because those aren't my stories to tell, but I did end up with a black D&M sewn web and a Rawlings Lonny Frey. Very cool gloves and a great trial run.

For those of you who played, if you have any suggestions on how to improve my little idea feel free to share. I already have some ideas (cutting the number of collectors involved and providing a list of willing players).
Also, I plan on doing this again soon and if you are interested in participating please email me your address and I will include it in my "willing participant log." Thanks again for those who took part. I enjoyed hearing about your stories and the excitement about your new treasures. You all have energized me! (Thus the phoenix)........Regards.........................................RBD
Last edited by Rickybulldog on May 7th, 2010, 2:05 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Pass or Play?

Postby MTGLOVEGUY » May 7th, 2010, 11:17 am

Ricky I am sure I dont have to tell you to count me in... But just in case count me in.
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Re: Pass or Play?

Postby briggs86 » May 7th, 2010, 1:35 pm


Great Idea! Love this, considering im a hoarder typically, id love to part with some stuff knowing that Ill eventually be getting something different to fill its spot. Count me in as well. Let me know when youre going to be getting this started, send me a pm and Ill have an overnight envelope ready with a surprise!

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Re: Pass or Play?

Postby ScottWNJ » May 7th, 2010, 11:57 pm

Does item value play a part in this, or is it strictly pot luck?

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Re: Pass or Play?

Postby Rickybulldog » May 8th, 2010, 11:54 am

Item value is what you decide to put into this (high or low). Although I would suggest you don't put in killer stuff or stuff you will regret if it leaves your collection, unless you want to do that. You decide the value of the item you recieve and provide a replacement that you feel is similar or what you would give.
Perfect example, let's say I get a really nice 20's glove that I absolutely love. I'm not going to exchange it for a beat up oil tin (that isn't fair in my mind). I most likely will give something equal in value or a little more if I love it. Hope that makes sense. There is a risk, however, that someone will value your item lower. That's a gamble, but most people are pretty good with values in my experience. Plus you have an option to pass which only cost you postage (6-9 bucks). I stress using small items so people aren't hurting on the postage. In short, pass along things that you know others would like or you won't get bothered about trading. This idea is about having fun and appreciating cool baseball stuff (memorabilia and gloves). The best part is that if someone in the "round robin" gets something you like better you can work on trade talks with them!
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Re: Pass or Play?

Postby cubsrno1 » May 9th, 2010, 10:15 am

Really cool idea!! I was fortunate to be part of the first run and received a box in the mail that contained a nice black Goldsmith 45. I would definitely do this again. I want to share the pictures of the glove with fellow forum members.

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Re: Pass or Play?

Postby Bravosin99 » May 9th, 2010, 11:46 pm

Thought I would share what I got during the process. I had missed this glove on ebay and knew it would turn out nice once it was cleaned up even with a little ink being on it. I was happy to receive it in the mail from a great guy who knew how much I would appreciate having it. Even got to clean it up myself which I really enjoyed doing, turned out nice. Ricky, I am definitely ready for round two so count me in just might have to pull from dad's inventory this time lol. Stall&Dean grommet web.
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