George Reach Model 90?? Info??

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George Reach Model 90?? Info??

Postby wjr953 » October 7th, 2008, 12:42 am

Does anyone have any information on the George Reach company? I know that they're not in business, but does anyone know when they stopped manufacturing gloves? I picked up a Model 90, Monster glove this past week, in absolutely beautiful condition, but I have no idea how old the glove is or what it might be worth. It's a 12 1/2" glove, beautiful chestnut brown color. Any help that I can get in answering these questions would be most appreciated. Thank you.

VBR br

Postby BretMan » October 7th, 2008, 8:38 am

Not a lot of info out there about the George A. Reach company. They just seem to be one of those companies for which no catalog data or much historical information exists.

It's too bad, because they did make some really nice gloves. They must have been mostly a regional seller. I wonder if they manufactured their own gloves or contracted them out to other established producers?

Here is what I could find in "The Vintage Baseball Glove Catalog Source Book":

- They are listed as being headquartered in Philadelphia and selling gloves in the 1940's and 1950's.

- Quoting from the Synopsis of The A.J. Reach Company: "The George A. Reach Company, not affiliated with the A.J. Reach Company (this disclaimer is stamped on many George A. Reach gloves) was formed by a relative of A.J. Reach and was later either aquired or merged with the Hutch Company in Cincinnati."

That would explain why you see many George Reach gloves- like those "Monster" models that pop up fairly often- well past the 1950's styles. It seems that Hutch must have retained the name after the two companies were joined.

The "Monster" model gloves I've seen before look to be from the 1970's. As far as a value, I guess that they would be valued as any other "modern", generic (unendorsed), mid-priced fielder's glove.
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Postby wjr953 » October 7th, 2008, 8:51 am

Thanks for the information, I really appreciate it. I would have to agree that this glove is a 1970's or later glove. As I stated in my earlier post, it's in outstanding condition. Whoever owned it, took very good care of it. I'll probably put it up on eBay in the next couple of weeks, although I really do like it a lot. I already have 5 or 6 of my own gloves now (Nokona, Rawlings HOH, Akadema, Glovesmith, Z-Tx, and several others) and I'm not a collector per se, so there's really no good reason for me to keep it for myself. Except that I like it. :wink: I hate when this happens. lol Thanks again.


Reaching for more info

Postby softball66 » October 7th, 2008, 10:52 am

George A. Reach, I think was nephew of Al Reach, the founder of the sporting goods and especially the baseball manufacturer and innovator.
George has been quoted in some of the older baseball histories as a sort of spokesman on the baseball changes and modifications. I assume he left the A. J. Reach company (owned by Spalding) and formed his own company in Philly. Now he could call his company George A. Reach but knew that there may be some legal problems with the use of the last name "Reach." So the caveat not affiliated with the Reach company on products such as gloves.
We've not been able to secure much in the way of stories or catalogs on the company. Bret's right, the gloves were big for their era and contain that "warning" of non affiliation. Later became the Hutch/Reach Co. after the two companies merged.
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Postby wjr953 » October 7th, 2008, 12:52 pm

Thank you very much for the information, I appreciate that.

VBR, br

Postby glovemason » October 8th, 2008, 12:11 am

I beleive Geo Reach made their gloves in Maryland.
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Postby wjr953 » October 10th, 2008, 9:18 am

Thanks for all of the input everyone, I really appreciate that. If you want to see pix of the glove, I uploaded some last night after I finished re-lacing and re-conditioning it. With the exception of the previous owner's name on it (faintly in ink), the glove turned out very nicely. I especially like the rich brown color of the leather. It will probably be going up on eBay in the next week or two. See Glove Pix 4 under Glove Pictures heading.

VBR, br

Re: George Reach Model 90?? Info??

Postby mikesglove » September 26th, 2014, 2:19 am

I found a great little article about the Geo. A. Reach Co. I had always assumed they were still near the A.J. Reach plant in Philly, but no, George bought a small and old A.J. Reach factory in Greensboro, MD. in 1937 for his new company. Cool water tank above the tower. George Reach had to be at least seventy in 1937. I'm Not sure if this was a new venture or a side business. He was president of A.J. Reach for decades. The changes of A.J. Reach with merger into Reach, Wright & Ditson, the Great Depression and the huge financial hit, The sale of the Reach Tulip St. factory and assets to A.G. Spalding in 1934 seem to point to George Reach striking out on his own with a new venture. I have yet to see a catalog or even an ad for the Geo. Reach equipment. Even if he was a wholesale supplier to institutions and stores, one would think a catalog exists.





Here is the front facade old Geo. Reach factory building as it is today. Looks to have been refurbished at some point.

Below is a photo of the side of the building with the tower at rear. The wooden water tank is long gone

These previous color photos are from a real estate website. The building is for sale right now. Brett and William better get down there quick for a look/see before another tenant moves in. Be sure to bring the night vision goggles. At the very least, you can purchase a custom electric guitar from current tenant, Joe Knaggs.

Here is a revamped logo after Hutch bought out Reach in 1958.

Below are a few different style gloves/mitts. A pretty distinctive and cool original logo on this one. Way nicer than the newer one above.

Shades of the old 1920's Spalding Benny Bengough model BB. This one is an updated "Professional Model" version, model A8

Got to love the double snap closure and the finger lace snugger, Same as the old model BB. This one was sold in Appleton WI. A must have model if you're collecting all the states. HI. and AK. are going to be tough.


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Re: George Reach Model 90?? Info??

Postby mikesglove » September 26th, 2014, 6:27 pm

The Geo. Reach glove box below clears up some confusion about the company location. The box label has the factory address in Maryland while the offices were located on E. Erie St. in Philadelphia

The photo below is a current view of the building at 621 E. Erie Ave. in Philadelphia. This was the offices of Geo. Reach Co. from the late 1930's to the late 1950's. It is an average size light industrial two story structure. It looks to have been modernized over the years.
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Re: George Reach Model 90?? Info??

Postby mikesglove » December 26th, 2024, 2:56 pm

Here's a rare George Reach brand Warren Spahn G40 six finger model glove circa 1960. It still has the Greensboro, MD stamp on the face.

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