BGC Sales List

Anything related to gloves (pre-1970) you can post here.

Re: BGC Sales List

Postby Yanks23 » April 3rd, 2021, 9:21 pm

I would like to take this opportunity to thank JD for once again putting together another incredible Sales List. It is such a great way to bring the hobby together and the beginning and end of the baseball season. Personally, I look forward to buying and selling each time the Sales List comes out. It was another great experience for me. I hope it was for many of you as well. And please always keep in mind how generous JD is with his time to wrangle all of you and your posts together. It is no easy feat. And he does this for the greater good of the hobby and asks for nothing in return. Thank you, Mr. Mayor. You are tremendous ambassador of this fun hobby and we are all very fortunate to have you continue to keep us all connected in this unique and special way.
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Re: BGC Sales List

Postby cbrandis » April 7th, 2021, 11:08 am

I totally agree with all said in the comments above. Big thanks to JD.
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Re: BGC Sales List

Postby glovejunkie » April 8th, 2021, 5:02 pm

JDs list is the only thing holding this hobby together anymore lol....sad and unfortunate, I miss looking at all the cool glove posts, guess a few of us need to start it back up?? Thanks the very least we get your list twice a year, thanks bud!!
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Re: BGC Sales List

Postby ebbets55 » April 17th, 2021, 11:52 am

I appreciate the kind words guys. Means a lot. My favorite part is the correspondence with everybody. I like getting a feel for what's going on out there in the hobby - what everyone is up to and into. In my opinion, the hobby is quite strong. We sold so many of the gloves on the last list, more than any so far. And, there were more sellers than ever before. It was just the quantity per seller that was down as a number of them were one-off's.

The hardest part is getting any of you to part with anything, ha! I'm guilty as well. I don't want to sell anything and neither do most of you, which tells me you guys are enjoying your collections. I'd be hard pressed to put three or four gloves on a list as of late. Heck, I'd do these lists more often if there was anything to sell - All Star Game/Mid-Season List? Maybe a Holiday list? That's on you all. I'm in if you are. : )

Next one scheduled for Game 1 of the World Series. Just log into the site at exactly 5:00 PST on game 1, whenever that may be, assuming of course, you guys have anything to sell.

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Re: BGC Sales List

Postby ebbets55 » September 30th, 2021, 11:34 am

Hi All, it's that time again. If you have any gloves you want to sell, please e-mail me pics, prices & descriptions and I'll start working up the drafts for your review and approval soon. Thanks!

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Re: BGC Sales List

Postby murphusa » October 26th, 2021, 11:36 am

Hey JD, World Series Starts tonight! Is there a new list?
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Re: BGC Sales List

Postby ebbets55 » October 26th, 2021, 2:21 pm

You know it Murph! Live at 5:00 PST sharp (assuming I can get home from the office on time without a hitch). Go right to the site.

Everyone, please make sure you read the cover e-mail after you look at the list. If you read it first, you'll be too late.

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Re: BGC Sales List

Postby Deacon » November 4th, 2021, 1:43 pm

great job as always JD

thanks for what you do!
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Re: BGC Sales List

Postby ebbets55 » April 7th, 2022, 9:37 pm

The Opening Day BGC Sales List #26, is live as of 5:30 PST. Sorry, I was a half hour late. Took over two hours to get home from work today, of all days. So-Cal may be the most miserable place on earth.

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Re: BGC Sales List

Postby ebbets55 » September 24th, 2022, 2:20 pm

I've received a number of inquiries as to whether or not I'm gonna do another Sales List. YES! The World Series glove sales list is on as of now. I've been promised a good number of submissions, and if it holds up we'll have fun. If not, no worries, we can shoot for Opening Day instead.

If you want in, please start getting me pics, prices & descriptions as soon as possible. Thanks.

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Re: BGC Sales List

Postby ebbets55 » October 24th, 2022, 12:16 pm

Holy crap, this list is shaping up nicely! Go to the site directly for Game 1 at 5:00 p.m. PST.

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Re: BGC Sales List

Postby ebbets55 » October 29th, 2022, 12:15 am

We are four hours into night one of the list and we have never sold so many gloves in this short period of time. Wow, sales are brisk! It's fun when it's like this. The problem I'm experiencing is that Yahoo, Gmail and a few other ISP's (Internet Service Providers) are delaying delivery of my e-mails, which is frustrating. They both say I exceeded the number of e-mails allowable.

I get that I look like a spammer sending it to over 1,200 people and breaking up the e-mails but when I respond and forward, the tallies exceed the quotas and the sellers aren't receiving their notes from me timely. As soon as I caught onto it, I re-forwarded them from my ebbets55 @ e-mail address and they all made their way just fine.

Just wanted to say thanks for your patience. It's really out of my control though.

Screenshot 2022-10-28 210339 -1.png
This is what my e-mail looks like at 5:00 PST
Screenshot 2022-10-28 210339 -2.png
Undeliverable (Sorry Mark, ha)
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Re: BGC Sales List

Postby vintagebrett » October 29th, 2022, 5:30 am

Thanks for doing this JD! Great list and we all appreciate your hard work that goes into it
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Re: BGC Sales List

Postby ebbets55 » February 15th, 2023, 3:33 pm

Hi All, I'm hearing a number of great acquisition stories of late. So exciting. I love to hear of activity.

Since pitchers and catchers already reported, it's time to send in glove pics for the Opening Day list. If I get enough submissions, I'll put one together. If not, no worries. Thanks all.

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Re: BGC Sales List

Postby Yanks23 » February 17th, 2023, 8:18 pm

Excellent! Looking forward to it as always. I will send in a few for the list.
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