"The Scoop" glove - help requested

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"The Scoop" glove - help requested

Postby moreisbetter » January 5th, 2018, 5:11 pm

This left-handed glove turned up in a box of stuff I've accumulated over the years, but I'm having a problem figuring out just what it is. It has their model number "V309", but it looks like there may be a fourth number after 309 which is unreadable due to the leather crease. I'm not seeing any autograph on it. Can anyone help with the correct number (if other), whether and where on the glove there should be an autograph (and whose) as well as approximate age? Approximate value for this would be appreciated, too, if that's not too much to ask. In my amateur opinion, it is in excellent condition with no tears to the leather or stitching and only some small pinholes in the leather lining inside at creases and some mild wear to the piping.

This is my first posting here - thanks for any help given. Bob

The complete markings as far as I can see:
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Re: "The Scoop" glove - help requested

Postby okdoak » January 5th, 2018, 10:14 pm

It's a first base mitt, a trapper style. Rawlings came out with the first one in the 1940's and it was very popular. Then every glove maker came out with a version of it. My guess is it's from the late '40's or '50's. A lot of them were unendorsed. The rest of the stampings on it are nice and legible, so if you can't find a signature on it, there probably wasn't one to begin with. Unfortunately, there are so many mitts of that style available, and it's a lefty, that there isn't much value to it. Maybe $5-$10.
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Re: "The Scoop" glove - help requested

Postby moreisbetter » January 6th, 2018, 6:36 am

Thanks for the input. The only "Scoop" example I came across was personalized (forget the player) and the model # was different. And hadn't sold. No foolish expectations here about value, but man, is the leather supple even ere these many years. Whatever treatment they used, it sure did its job. The quality of vintage, IMO. And I've always been partial to !st base gloves anyway.
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